Monday, April 2, 2018

Downtown Easter Sunday, 4/1/2018

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let the patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him, but let him ask in faith..."  "the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."  James 1:2-6a and 5:16b

The story behind this week's trip began at the end of last week's trip when I promised a group of homeless folks that I'd stop to see them first this week and bring blankets.  I had brought blankets on that trip, but they are usually gone by the 1st or 2nd stop.  I try my best to keep my promises to these folks because I know they count on it greatly and I know many others have not followed through with promises in their past before....but it wasn't easy to keep this promise.

This last week I learned of a close friend landing in the hospital due to liver and kidney failure.  Then the next day my car broke down.  Luckily, for a while I have an extra car to drive, but the other one will have to be replaced quickly.  It's too old and costly to fix all the things wrong with it now (the car's not worth that much).  While visiting my friend in the hospital I was able to remind her that this Sunday was Easter and that all our sins were paid for on the cross by Jesus and that the peace that we seek is found in the presence of Jesus and his Holy Spirit.  I tried to keep the message as brief and clear as possible because my friend is unable to speak coherently at this point so I don't know to what extent the ability to understand is either.  So I simply said, "Keep seeking the peace that Jesus gives.  When you get troubled, seek Jesus and His peace."  This situation weighed heavily on me all week and was further complicated with the car trouble issues.  The car was repaired up to a point, but the service light and the ABS light are still on. So when Sunday came along and it was time to make the trip downtown I loaded up that car, but only made it a few miles down the road when the instrument panel lights started going haywire and the temperature gauge showed all the way over to the red zone.  Yet the car wasn't smoking and I checked the water levels and they were fine.  So I drove it back home and made if just fine and then transferred the stuff into the extra car and started out again.

Now keep in mind this is Easter Sunday and you usually have a family gathering somewhere to go to. The thought crossed my mind to just not go, but I had made a dozen sandwiches, had blankets, towels and  clothes, and I was determined to make it down there.  On the way down there I got really hungry and thought about eating one of the sandwiches, but held off from doing so.  I had this one place on 10th St and San Pedro to go to first, so I drove by there.  I saw a couple of guys sitting on the street corner and some others halfway down the street so I knew most everyone was going to be there.  I drove around the block so I could pull in on the side of the street where they were.   When I pulled up I was expecting to see the people from last week but another man was standing there.  He leaned over to look into the car and asked, "Are you the pastor?"  I told him I was and he said they were just talking about me and had been expecting me.  He stood up and called down to the guys on the corner and said, "Hey Chris, the pastor is here."  He leaned back down to talk to me.  I asked him how he was doing and he told me the trial for the guy that murdered his son was over and finally he had some closure on it.  I told him about my son's situation and we both immediately had a deep connection.  I got out of the car and by this point Chris (who is in a wheel-chair) was almost to the car.  He said, "Hey pastor we were just talking about you and were wondering where you were."  I said, "You know I promised to come here first and do you remember why?"  He said something about me bringing food, but I reminded him that I promised to bring blankets.  So now I'm handing out the blankets and the sandwiches.  The trunk of the car is open and people are going through the clothes in there.  Brigette (the pregnant woman from last week) and Ray (I referred to him as Don Juan last week) were there and Red came by too.  Another man with a Dallas Cowboy cap was there, he goes by the name of "Dallas".  Brigette is trying to get off the street.  We had a chance to talk briefly together and I warned her about being on the street with a child and she was well aware of the potential for losing the child to protective services.  She was hopeful to find a place very soon.  Please pray for her and her baby.  I talked with most all of them one on one briefly and then said, "Well, you all know what day today is right?"  And they knew it was Easter Sunday.  It was a heaven-gifted opportunity to give a word of encouragement and prayer and they were all eager to receive it.  I started out by talking briefly about my friend in the hospital and how Jesus had paid for our sins on Easter and overcame death.  I know that life is complicated and troubling for everyone and that the peace they seek can be found in the presence of Jesus. I encouraged them to keep seeking His presence.  They all know my story and my hardships and I know theirs.  We all seek the peace that surpasses all understanding.  I gathered them all around me and started praying for them.  Almost immediately I started feeling very emotional and had trouble finishing the prayer.  When I did I think they were all in tears too.  I received a hug from just about everyone there and Chris in the wheelchair was one of the people next to me. He kissed my hand and told me he was so glad I come down there.  It was a very emotional moment for all of us.  A few minutes later I gathered those that were left together and took their picture.

From left to right: Michael, the guy whose son was murdered (I forgot his name, Ray, Brigette, Dallas and Chris (he stood for the photo).  Ray and Brigette live in the tent behind them.

So just before I left, I think I had taken the picture by this point, but it was definitely after I had prayed with them that one man came walking down the street by himself.  He asked if I had a blanket, but I didn't have any left.  I asked him if he was hungry.  He said he was and I looked around for the bag of sandwiches.  Some one had put it back in my car.  I asked if they were all gone, but someone said there was one left.  When I picked up the bag it felt empty, but sure enough there was one left.  Remember the one I didn't eat on the way down there?????  This man ended up with it.  Praise the Lord.  It all worked out perfectly. --Until next time.  John

PS.  On the way home I was again overcome by the feeling that this had been a point of grace for all the people there.  We all felt it.  We will all remember it for a very long time.  It would have been easy after the car had acted up on me to just say forget it and it wasn't meant to be today.  Am I glad I persevered and continued on!  Look at what would have been missed.