One of the surprises of the day was finding John from Connecticut. I hadn't seen him since last summer. He was near where I had seen him last (different freeway off-ramp) but doing the same thing. I didn't recognize him at first because his hair is a lot shorter now. He told me for awhile things were going well for him. He had gotten a small studio apartment in El Monte, but apparently couldn't maintain it. He was hoping that with a buddy of his he would be able to get some employment and a fresh start soon. I pray he will be able to, he is so very young (25 yrs).
While driving down Washington Blvd I found Tyronne. I had seen him last Sunday sitting on a bus bench. Today he was pushing his shopping cart and seemed actually happy to see me. Usually, he seems in kind of a fog. There have been times when I have sat with him for 10 minutes or so and he's barely spoken. He doesn't appear to be very healthy. This was the first time I've ever seen him up and walking (slowly) around. Just off Washington Blvd on Paloma I found Sam from Ohio. He was sleeping in the shade of a building but woke up right away when I offered some food and

named it yet. Peter was from Louisiana and here by way of Las Vegas. Along with the food and water, socks and a t-shirt I also gave him a gospel of John booklet. I had to smile as I was driving away because instead of going through the food bag he was actually looking through the booklet first. Praise God.
I wanted to take another trip a little more south of L.A. so I drove down around 42nd St and Central and then worked my way west from there. I ended up meeting Sheila in a short alley off of Broadway and 36th. She thought I looked familiar but I don't think we've met before. There were two or three make-shift 'homes' there in the alley that she said her husband and her brother lived in with her. I gave her the last bag of food and gallon of water that I had. I then told her I had something else for her and gave her a gospel of John booklet too. She seemed pretty happy and even a bit overwhelmed by it all. After pulling away and back out on the street I noticed I had two more cans of soup in a bag in the back seat so I drove back around and gave them to her also. I said, "Now all three of you can have one." and then asked if there was anyone else living there? She said, "No, just the three of us." I told her I'd check in from time to time to see how they were doing. I thought how very difficult it must be to be homeless in that area. Can you imagine how hot it must get living in cardboard boxes on concrete and asphalt during the summer without any shade above you? --Until next week. John
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