Most of the people I look for to help are usually alone. I like to include a short personal note like the one above with each bag of food so that after the food is gone, they have something left to think about. I've given out copies of the Gospel of John, Guideposts, and other literature with a spiritual content in an attempt to point the way to Jesus Christ. I know that however the encounter went, they will be left with something that they can reflect on after I'm gone and after the food is gone.
The first guy I met this week was Robert from Oakland. I had helped him out a couple of weeks ago while I was looking for Mark. Yesterday, Robert was in about the same place Mark used to hang out under the I-10 freeway. He told me he hadn't seen Mark in a while now. In the course of talking to Robert I found out he doesn't receive any kind of government assistance. One of the issues he has is he doesn't have any kind of identification either. That is a big hurdle to overcome for most of the homeless. Whether their ID or driver's license was lost or stolen, getting a new one requires a lot of paperwork and waiting to get a replacement. I've seen Robert a few times now within a couple of blocks of where he was yesterday. He had four old worn-out (and dirty) blankets. He was OK with them, but I was able to help him out with some new shoes and socks and a couple of shirts. He told me the nights have been pretty cold lately. Fortunately, I had been given a supply of gloves and a cap with ear flaps. Before leaving I prayed specifically about Robert's ID issues and for just a general blessing and protection. I think Sunday night was going to be a lot better for him.
Remember back in the 80's there used to be a guy with the crazy Afro hair-do that was rainbow colored? He used to beat on a tamborine and would hold up a John 3:16 sign at all the football games on TV? Well, yesterday I helped a guy from Chicago with a Mohawk wig that was rainbow colored! No tamborine and no John 3:16 sign though. You do see some crazy things downtown. Right before rainbow man I was driving through the parking lot of an industrial area. Brandon from New York was sitting on the steps of one of the buildings. I think he was sitting there because he wasn't visible from the street. I think he was probably trying to keep a low profile and not be seen. He didn't look to pleased when I pulled up next to where he was, but when I asked him if he needed some food he perked-up in a hurry. He was very young, like maybe 20 or 21 years old. He had on a Syracuse sweatshirt and said that's where he was from. I asked him if he was pulling for New York in the Super Bowl next week. He said he was and was hoping to be able to find a place to watch it. We didn't talk too long, so I don't know how he ended up out here. I'll save that conversation for the next time.
A little over a year ago on Halloween, you may recall my encounter with three men where I ended up giving a quick Bible lesson in the street on Romans 1:21 at their request. I remember being shocked when all three of them pulled out Bibles. They were just coming from a church service that evening. Their names were Billy, James and Will. Billy and James moved on to Pasadena a few months later, but Will stayed in an alley around the corner from where I first met them. I have seen him every once in a while and yesterday I saw him again. He told me that he and another man named Willie are looking to pool their money together and get a place to stay. He told me that life on the street is wearing him out and he wants out. He just turned 54 last week. They hope to make it happen in March. I'll be praying for them.
Six weeks ago I met a young man named Melvin sitting on the dock of a cold storage warehouse on the corner of 10th and Stanford. He was a young man of about 20 years old. He's out on parole and has no place to go. He has stayed away from the skid row area because he's been beaten up there and as he says, "I don't fight very well." I hadn't seen him since the time I met him, but have looked for him ever since. As I was driving down 14th street I happened to pass by a man trying to be inconspicuous in the corner of a parking lot. I passed by and noticed a man there, but didn't really see who it was. I turned around and drove back and pulled up right next to him. When I was able to look him in the eyes I was happy to see that it was Melvin. Yes, he remembered me too. He told me he had been arrested for staying on that loading dock because it was private property. Talk about kicking a man when he's down. He told me his parole officer said it was OK for him to stay in the spot where I saw him yesterday. He has to move on during the day though. I know others have stayed in that same area also, in fact, we talked about a couple of them that I've seen and he's seen too. I think he said his parole ends in March. I hope they can be of more assistance then than they've been so far. As it gets closer to dusk, the area right there just west of 14th and Central becomes a favorite area for homeless people to spend the night. It's far enough away from the craziness of skid row at night, but within walking distance if you want to get a meal or two during the day. Just down the street from Melvin was another man pushing a shopping cart named Willie. A lot of the men this far away from skid row just stay away from that area completely. Willie is one of them, and yes he was really happy to receive the bag of food.
Speaking of skid row, when I was prayer-walking on 6th, I noticed a crowd of people around the back of an SUV. I had parked in front of the police station and a man was standing there eating some food on a plate. I commented to him that the food looked pretty good and he pointed to the SUV (his mouth was full of food). As I crossed the street and saw the car and the crowd I noticed the spray painted metal housing on some electrical power box. I took the picture because of the spray

painted comment and the whole setting behind it. The picture on the left is what's behind the spary painted sign. It is the crowd of people around the SUV and on down the street is the Midnight Mission. At the corner and across the street at the end of the block an Asian Church serves a meal every Sunday evening (rain or shine and it was going on as this picture was taken). Amid the darkness, you'll always see points of light if you look for them. If you don't see them, then you'll just have to be one! --Until next week. John
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