Monday, July 21, 2014

Downtown 7/20/13

"If you insist on clinging to your precious self, God is compelled to keep you in the wilderness longer.  You will then experience more wilderness defeats to take you to the end of yourself." --Watchman Nee, The Secrets to Spiritual Power pg. 52

I started this trip by driving to the parking lot of the place I'm looking to have the BBQ next month.  I wanted to make sure the back parking lot was empty during this time of the day on Sunday. As expected, it was empty including the front parking lot too.  I still haven't heard back as to whether it will be available or not. I'm sure there are liability issues the owners need to consider.  I drove around that area and saw John Stokes, Jessie and another guy.  John asked for another sandwich, but I declined to give him an extra one.  I did give him some other snacks, but I had a feeling resources were going to be limited Sunday.

On Monday, when I made the special trip to inquire about the parking lot's use I saw Maurice and Elaine.  I told them I'd be back on Sunday to see them and since I was planning on seeing Antonio and Leticia I only had enough sandwiches for one other person. Something was going to have to give here.

I drove over to the 24th and San Pedro area looking for Dave or Willie (my old BBQ buddies).  Well Sunday, Dave was there with a few others who hang-out by the corner there.  Now I hadn't seen Dave in several months, but the last time I saw him was around the 14th and Pico Ave area.  Back then, he was on his bike, but talking with a woman on the sidewalk there.  When I stopped there that day I ended up staying until everything was given out because homeless people kept coming by.  Yesterday, was pretty similar. There were three or four others already there when I pulled up.  Dave gave me a good introduction to the others and it was like I had known them all for a long time.

So yesterday, probably 8 or 9 people got to go through the clothes and maybe 70% of what I had with me was given out. The top photo is (from left to right) Dave, Victoria, Colandra, Hiram and Sandra.  We were about to move Victoria from the chair to her wheelchair.  That took three of us men and a lot of effort. During the time I was there, Peter, Becky and two others on bicycles came by.  It was an enjoyable time. Hiram needed a pair of shoes, but I've never had any 14's with me.  He was a big guy, taller than me.  I told him I gave someone a ride a few years back into this area and he wore size 19's.  We talked about the possibility of doing a BBQ there in the future.  It's doubtful, because there really isn't a place for it.  There is a Winchell's across San Pedro and a small Taco stand directly across this little street.  Neither would be up to hosting a BBQ of free food in their parking lots.  Also, keeping it on a small scale would be difficult too.  I gave out the rest of the sandwiches I had to these folks in the picture and the rest of the snacks and stuff to the people coming by.  When it was time to pray, I asked everyone their name to make sure I got it right.  I had incorrectly remembered Victoria as Elizabeth.  She looked very disappointed and asked me what other name of a queen I knew.  When I said Victoria, her face lit up.  Everyone always wants to be known by their name.  I'll remember hers now.  We all gathered around and held hands while I prayed.  It was special, praying for a group of people I've never met before, yet feeling like a welcome part of their 'family'.

When I left there, I drove over to McArthur Park.  There were lots and lots of people there and I did hear a guy preaching on the corner where I have preached before, but there just wasn't any place to park.  I drove back into the downtown area and went to the Jack in the Box.  My plan was to take a short break, get something to eat (a few tacos) and a soda and then buy some burgers for Maurice and Elaine and stop by to see them before I left.  As I drove up to the Jack in the Box, there was a homeless guy going through the trash can by the door.  He went inside and directly to the bathrooms.  I bought my food and also a soda and a big burger for him.  He didn't come out of the bathroom for twenty minutes (by this time I had finished my food).  I motioned him to come over and gave him the soda and burger.  He was grateful.  He complained that his stomach was acting up, but he appeared to have no trouble eating the food.  He thanked me on the way out.  Finally, I bought some food for my friends, but as I walked out of the Jack in the Box there were two more homeless guys.  One going through that same trash can the first guy had gone through and another guy sitting on some grass directly opposite the door (twenty five feet away).  So here I am with food, two homeless guys and I have to walk on by them with food and drive away.  It was killing me.  As I drove out of the neighborhood I saw two or three more guys who needed help too.  Then when I got to where my friends live they weren't there!  So what do you think I did?  I drove back to the Jack in the Box.  One of the two guys by the door was still there so he got some food.  When I drove out of the neighborhood, I first saw one guy by himself, but then as I got closer there were two other guys.  I only had two burgers left.  I gave them both away along with the last four little bags of chips that I had.  It would have to do.  I gave all I had.  There was no miracle of food being reproduced (maybe next time).  Remember I had that feeling resources were going to be stretched from the very first guy I saw?  ---Until next time (which will be in two weeks)---John

PS.  I also drove by the parking lot I'm hoping to use for the BBQ on the way home.  It was 6:05 pm and there were three cars in the front parking lot and nobody in the back lot.  Keep praying for this door to open up for us.  Thx John

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