Sunday night was more or less a repeat of the last few trips downtown except I reversed the order and went to the alley on 25th and San Pedro first. I got there before the sun went down so the folks there could go through the clothes I brought while there was still light left. Someone at work had given me two large trash bags filled with women's clothes and they went pretty fast. There were a lot of people there since it was close to night time. I haven't brought any food with me the last month or so due to lack of resources, but I did bring a lot of bottled water. No one's complained about the lack of food, but the water sure is a hit. I brought 35 bottles and 20 lbs of ice. In fact, I had more ice than the chest could hold with all the water bottles, so some of the ice was still in a bag sitting on top. Someone took the bag too (for later no doubt). I had even bought a bottle of Pine Sol (unopened) and had it on the floor by the back seat and someone asked me if they could have it to clean around their living quarters. I long ago made the commitment that if I brought it in the car, it was up for grabs. This alley, as I said, is really home to a lot of people and other homeless folks come by to hang-out. During my time there, Nicky, her friend Judy and Carmen came by. Nicky was the one who helped me serve all the people when I had the dinner on the street corner last November. Here's some photos of my stop Sunday:
That's Hiram in the back of the car....He's a big guy!
and that's Becky on the rightWhen I first got there and got out I sat down on some mattresses next to a guy named Peter. I asked him how he was doing (I've know Peter for a couple of years now). He said he was depressed, but didn't say exactly why. I was called away right after that and didn't get to talk further with him about what was bothering him. He asked if I had a couple of dollars to get some food, but I didn't have any cash left on me. There was a large crowd gathered around the back of the car and on the other side of the car where the water was. One of the guys from last week wanted me to pray for them right then, but I thought it best to wait until the crowd around the car had died down. The regulars to that alley were all there, and Hiram who lives in an SRO a short distance away was there too. I had been there about forty minutes when some tempers flared in one of the 'apartments'. I was, at the time, standing and talking with Hiram. I immediately started praying for peace to overcome the place. As it turned out the woman who was upset, was Judy (Nicky's friend). She was upset, oddly enough, over the guy who got the Pine Sol and had started using it around his place. Apparently, she is allergic to the stuff. Well, she just moved away from that area and all was well. I told everyone about the lunar eclipse (Blood Moon) that was to occur shortly, but it was kind of doubtful they would see it given the limited view of the sky they had in that alley.
I've said many times in these blogs that I try and bring the Kingdom of God down to earth for these folks. Earlier today I was watching a short video about an after school activity center that some Christians are running in Jackson, Mississippi. They explained it as a place where the kids in the neighborhood can come and feel safe and be loved just for who they are. They are told who Jesus is and that He loves them and wants the best for their lives. One woman summed it up best at the end with the statement,"It's a place where God can do miraculous things in their hearts." It is the same idea and place I try to provide for these folks each time I see them. It's not an overnight fix, and certainly takes time to develop a trusting relationship between them and me. They need to see me acting consistently on their behalf and as an ambassador for Christ. I have to faithfully and gently portray Christ, in perhaps, a way they have never seen before, but still represents Him not only faithfully, but as someone they want to get to know.
After leaving the alley, I drove over to the burned out church. It was now completely dark and I prayed in front of the church for quite a while. No one came by and there appeared to be no changes in the general appearance to the church. I have learned through experience that things may not appear to be changing on the outside, but God works in different ways and I'm willing to trust His timetable. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go downtown next Sunday, so --Until next time. John
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