Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Downtown 9/22/2019

"Now the tax collectors and 'sinners' were all gathering around to hear him.  But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.'  Then Jesus told them this parable..."  Luke 15:1-3a

So at the end of yesterday's trip I stopped at the Jack in the Box off the I-10 at Alameda.  This used to be the center of the homeless universe for me back when I first started going downtown.  There used to be a recycling place next door.  Recently, they built a Starbucks there.  It was now about 7:30-8:00 pm, dark and a line of cars in the drive-thru at Starbucks.  A homeless man was offering to clean windows for the people in line (he hit me up too even though I was on the other side of the fence). When I got inside the Jack in the Box I ordered and went to use the bathroom.  Just then another homeless man stepped right in front of me blocking my way and asking if I'd buy him some food.  I asked him if I could at least get to the bathroom (I'd been holding it for quite a while by this point).  He moved aside letting me go.  He was about 30 years old, wearing black shorts and shoes and some kind of a shear net halter top.  It was a strange look.  His eyes were quite piercing and I could tell he was going to be waiting for me when I came out of the bathroom.  I guess that tells you how hungry he was and what people are willing to do when they're that hungry.  Now he didn't know me and I had never seen him before.  While in the bathroom I got some cash to give him and when I walked passed him I gave it to him and told him not to tell anyone.  I went and sat down and waited for my order.  He ordered something and left right away.  This experience with the two homeless men reminded me of how it used to be there at the Jack in the Box.  I guess not much has changed really in ten years.  Due to the way this guy was dressed and looked reminded me of the verses above which set the stage for Jesus telling the 3 parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the prodigal son.  Yes, God values these men's souls too as well as the other dozen homeless folks I'd seen and helped in the last hour and a half.  Most all of them were loners in need of hope.  I gave them food and water and a big smile and hopefully enough hope to make it through another night.

I had a break-through of sorts with a woman on a small street off Olive around 12th (just south of Pico).  I've seen her on this street usually standing/leaning up against a building on one side of the street or the other for several months now.  I've asked before if she was hungry, but I kept getting no for an answer, instead she said she wanted money.  By the way she is dressed I wasn't sure she understood English.  She wears middle-eastern attire (but not black--more of a green color) with a scarf that looks almost like a turban on her head.  Last week I asked again if she was hungry.  I'm thinking that with persistence I may get through to her eventually.  Last week I was shut down again.  This week I asked if she was hungry and she again said no.  I asked if she was thirsty.  I even held up a bottle of water so she could see it.  She said no, but said she wanted a beer.  I told her I didn't have any beer that I only had water.  To my surprise, she said OK and got up and came over to the car got the water then immediately turned and went back to the curb and sat down.  Well, that was OK with me.  Perhaps she's very distrusting of people/men and she keeps her distance.  I don't see that she has any possessions beyond what she's wearing..... not even a purse.  And at this point no name either.  I'll keep trying. 

A couple of weeks ago I helped a woman on Peluma St a couple of blocks away from the burned-out church.  Last week I was able to talk with her.  Her name is Keisha and she's been homeless off an on for a few years now.  She struggles with some substance issues, but she is trying to stay clean and she keeps her make-shift home very clean and tidy.  I had hoped to get to talk to her yesterday, but she wasn't there.  I left some food and water inside.  I hope it was still there when she got back. 

Well, there was some good news yesterday with Gregory.  He has found some part-time work in a warehouse type place.  When I pulled up he told me he had been praying I'd come by.  I didn't see him there last week.  He asked if I had any T-shirts so I let him look through the trunk for clothes.  He found a couple of things he could use.  He told me he hoped to earn enough money to rent a locker down near skid row so he could store some things in it.  He's trying very hard and I'm proud of him.
Well, until next time. --John


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