Monday, July 29, 2013

Downtown 7/28/2013

"Are not two sparrows sold for penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.  And even the hairs of your head are all counted.  So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows." ---Matthew 10:29-30

I don't remember exactly where I saw it yesterday, but in one of the intersections I passed through I saw the remains of a bird that had recently died there.  The verse above came to mind immediately and it's implication that God cares about the details of our lives.  When I think about the people that I just "happen" to meet or decide to look for it almost seems like it was meant to be before hand.  While trying not to get into the topic of determinism or predestination, I'll just describe how this trip went, so here it is....

I guess I should begin with saying that I hadn't gotten a block away from home when I realized I didn't have my phone with me and had to turnaround and go back to get it (remember that's our camera nowadays too). When I finally got down there I drove around for quite awhile before finding a couple and a man (separately) on the west side of Alameda sitting in the shade of buildings along that street.  I couldn't park at either spot, so I just passed food through the window.  They were too far from the missions to be staying or eating there for the night and I'm not sure they were really destitute, but they were definitely homeless Sunday night.  So perhaps, they were at least able to save whatever resources they had for another day.

So I finally made it over to Trinity St where Antonio and Leticia live.  I hadn't gone by there last week and Leticia reminded me about it.  She told me they didn't eat that day!  When I pulled up yesterday there was
another man with them who I've helped before, his name is Carlos.  Carlos is on the left, with Leticia and Antonio on the right.  The second photo are the steps where I see Leticia and Antonio every week.  I took that photo while they were looking at the clothes in my car.  Antonio was needing some shoes (size 9) and I had a pair of 9 1/2's.  I'm not sure if they were men's or women's size.  I'll find out next week I guess.  When we had finished talking, Leticia said, "Pray!"  It was almost like a command but, I'm more than happy to oblige.  A little further up the road a young man named Alex was sitting on the sidewalk.  I have seen him several times recently on this same street near them.  I drove on down and helped him too.  I hadn't given him any clothes before and he didn't take much.  He had a sleeping bag and another bag with personal belongings but I think he want to keep things light for traveling purposes.  I prayed with him and he told me he even had a bible too.  He is a very polite and nice man to me.  I'll have to get to know him better and find out what his story is.
So I met another man named Oscar walking in an alley behind some buildings off Washington Blvd.  I had driven down that alley because there was a Latino Pentecostal Church on the corner that was open.  I heard music coming from it.  Anyway, that was the last of the hamburgers and I was trying to decide whether or not to just drive home at this point.  I had driven (and prayed) down Cloud Nine Alley and had driven around the skid row area already, yet it seemed too early to leave just yet, so I decided to go over to where Maurice and Elisha live on 8th St off Alameda.  I hopped on the freeway where I was and drove down the two or three exits and got off at Alameda.  There was a homeless man named Mark standing on the freeway exit asking for help.  I gave him a can of food and we chatted briefly as I waited for the light to change.  I drove on down to 8th St and saw Maurice and Elisha.  When I first started seeing them a couple of months back they were trying to get to Texas.  Well, it looks like they are going to take a bus there this week.  It was about 7 p.m. at this point and Elisha was in tears thinking that they might have left without seeing me one more time.  To think that I almost didn't go by there because I was out of hamburgers would have been a huge missed opportunity.  I gave them my phone number so they could keep in touch with me when they get situated.  They are moving to the Dallas area, I think that is where she is from.  Remember she's pregnant and they have an opportunity to move into some kind of housing there.

  It's been an absolute pleasure to have known these two people and I will miss them greatly.  I remember a few weeks back, I had bought some burgers for the trip and an extra one for me to eat on my way into town.  Apparently, I had dripped some ketchup on my chin (not an unusual occurrence to anyone who knows me!).  Anyway, I didn't know it and when I got there and gave them their burgers and started talking to them they eventually told me about it.  They said they were embarrassed to tell me.  I told them, "Are you kidding?  We're family, you can tell me anything!"  And that's they way I feel towards them. We had a group hug while I took the last opportunity to pray with them about a safe trip, landing in a good place and Elisha's pregnancy.  I'm praying all goes well, I'll miss them both.

"Not a sparrow falls..."  When I think about the people God provided for through yesterday's trip, people living off the beaten path, in alleys on small side streets under freeways it amazes me.  If you look in the background of the picture above you see absolutely no one, no cars, nothing on the streets.  Yet God knows where these people are and doesn't just send food, but friends to them too.  He's awesome.  I'm reminded of something Richard Stearns, CEO of World Vision, said in his book "The Hole in the Gospel".  He said, and I'm quoting loosely here, "I'd hate to think that someone suffered because I refused to be obedient to God's call."  Being obedient yesterday, literally spread joy to these people.  --Until next time.  John

PS.  Remember how I just happened to remember to go back and get my phone?  Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take these pictures!!!  If you click on the picture once, it gets bigger, and then twice and it's real big.

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